Baby doll IMC Toys Dreamy & Rym

82.76 icl. tax

Check out Baby doll IMC Toys Dreamy & Rym in the Flickmyhouse marketplace for kids

Children deserve the best, that’s why we present to you Baby doll IMC Toys Dreamy & Rym, ideal for those who seek quality products for their little ones! Get IMC Toys at the best prices!

  • Functions:
    • Light
    • Sound
  • Battery operated: Yes
  • Recommended age:
    • + 4 Years
    • + 3 years
  • Language: ES
  • Packaging Language: ES
  • Instruction manual: ES
  • Type: Playset
  • Material: Plastic
  • Batteries included: Yes
  • Design: Modern

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In stock

Additional information

Weight 1.142 kg
Dimensions 44.4 × 14 × 30 cm


GTIN 8421134087798

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Product: Baby doll IMC Toys Dreamy & Rym